Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Whovian Diary Reviews - An Unearthly Child

Hello and welcome to this brand new series. I was a little stuck on where to start this series, but then I decided it would be a great idea to start with the start. So here we go: my thoughts on An Unearthly Child.

About this Story

TitleAn Unearthly Child
No. of Episodes4
Season No.
Serial No.
Season 1
Serial 1
Broadcast Dates23rd Nov -
12th Dec 1963
WriterAnthony Coburn
DirectorWaris Hussein
ProducerVerity Lambert
DoctorFirst Doctor
CompanionBarbara Wright
Ian Chesterton
Viewers get their first glimpse
of the TARDIS interior


Written by Anthony Coburn, this serial was originally meant to be the second serial of the season, but it was brought forward after plans for the first serial fell through. Production staff reworked the script so that it was able to be used as an opener, though there were several attempts to drop the story completely and write a new script. However, time constraints meant that production carried on regardless. This serial would be Coburn's only contribution to the show, though he did write other drafts, all of which were rejected. Waris Hussein later went on to direct the missing Marco Polo.

The Review


Ian and Barbara are essential in setting up the
mystery surrounding the Doctor and Susan
An Unearthly Child gets off to a brilliantly mysterious start, with Ian and Barbara speculating over their strange student, Susan. The foggy night setting adds to the mystery and tension. The pace is brilliant leading up to the reveal of The Doctor and Susan's identity, with the cliffhanger at the end of Episode One being excellently executed.

However, once in the Stone Age setting, the plot begins to fall away, with the pace slowing as new plot threads are introduced. As the group of travelers are sealed in the cave to die, the story loses direction, at least until they escape again, giving the story a stop-start feel. One scene that was done particularly well was the fight scene between Za and Kal.

Structurally, the story peaks at the end of the first episode, with the remaining episodes acting as build up to a less important peak, the fight scene between Za and Kal. The early peak means the rest of the story seems a bit flat, thought it doesn't completely lack direction and still reaches a secondary peak.

Plot Score: 5/10


The tribe of cavemen offer little
in terms of a scare factor.
This story is rather lacking in a particular enemy for the Doctor to fight. The tribe of cavemen just cast the travelers into a cave and leave them there to die, and don't actually actively take a part in killing them. However, when the travelers are running through the forest to escape the tribe, the chase indicates an element of danger, as well as the attack from the wild beast.

The direction of the story makes the viewer take on the viewpoint of Ian and Barbara for much of this story, as they're the outsiders to the Doctor and Susan's travelling. Therefore, in scenes in which the Doctor wants to leave them behind in the Stone Age also come a cross as a threat to the main characters, which is quite unusual, and a little disturbing, to see the Doctor acting in such a way.

Overall, the story suffers due to the absence of a major threat, though there are some minor, yet not as effective, moments in which you feel the main characters are in danger.

Threat Score: 3/10


The Doctor and Ian get off to a shaky,
albeit well acted, start.
The main cast were exceptional in this story, particularly in the opening episode. Hartnell's characterisation of the Doctor as a grumpy old man is spot on here, but I am glad that the character evolved out of this quite swiftly as he clashed with Russell's Ian a bit too much. Russell and Hill play the schoolteachers well, carrying their teaching instincts throughout the story when they go back to help their captors when Za is attacked. Ford's Susan is brilliantly acted as a clever young woman in the opener, but she slips out of this for the next few episodes, before thinking up their escape plan in the fourth episode, albeit accidentally.

The guest cast are grating, though that's more their characters' caveman language than anything. Acting as a caveman isn't exactly a great way to show off an actor's ability, though they tried their best, with Derek Newark's Za probably being one of the strongest performances.

On the whole, the acting in An Unearthly Child was great, though let down somewhat by the restrictions of the cavemen.

Acting Score: 7/10

Audience Engagement

The Doctor's attitudes towards Ian and Barbara
alerts the viewers perception of him.
As mentioned earlier, this story seems to be more focused on the viewpoint of Ian and Barbara so the viewers' feelings towards the events are swayed by their experiences. For example, the mystery in the opening episode is set up by the two teachers being curious about Susan. The viewer is also made to take Ian's side in his spats with the Doctor, perhaps viewing the latter in a lower light, while regarding the former as the hero of the programme.

The story also makes the viewer get involved in the politics of the tribe of cavemen. When Za is wrongly accused of killing the Elder, the viewer is left waiting for justice, which comes when the Doctor unmasks Kal as the killer. Other than this, the cavemen characters aren't easy for the viewer to identify with.

Considering we have only just met the main characters, there is a considerable amount of opportunity to relate to them and identify with them, with much of this coming in the first episode.

Audience Engagement Score: 8/10


Firstly, despite some rather negative comments above, I'd like to highlight this as a MUST WATCH just because it is the first story. However, if you do watch it, go into it thinking of two stories, a one-parter and a three-parter, because the opening episode is in another league compared to the rest. However, in reality this is one large story, and the score is given on that basis.

On the whole, a fairly average story with some outstanding moments surrounded by endless padding and irritating caveman-speak.

Overall Score: 6/10

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Death Count - The Fires of Pompeii

Hello readers! In this edition of the of the Death Count series, I will be counting up the deaths in the Tenth Doctor story The Fires of Pompeii. Enjoy!

About this Story

TitleThe Fires of Pompeii
No. of Episodes1
Series No.
Episode No.
Series 4
Episode 2
Broadcast Date12th Apr 2008
Run-Time48' 17"
DoctorTenth Doctor
CompanionDonna Noble
The Doctor and Donna meet a Pyrovile in the
heart of Versuvius


Aiming for Ancient Rome, the Doctor makes a slip up and lands in Pompeii, on Volcano Day. Surrounded by prophecies and soothsayers, the Doctor discovers a fiery race of aliens in the heart of the mountain where he has to make a painful choice: Pompeii or the world?

The Death Count

CharacterTime of DeathDescription
Major Domo24' 42"Burned alive by Pyrovile
Pyrovile25' 09"Doused in water by Quintus
Lucius 38' 03"Inside the volcano upon eruption

Note: An unspecified number of Pyroviles were also in the volcano upon eruption.

Note: After the eruption, the destruction of Pompeii brought around 20,000 deaths, none of which are explicitly depicted on-screen

The citizens of Pompeii attempt to flee

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

6.21 (White)

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Doctor Who DVD Files - Part Nine: Issues 44-48


Hello readers! In this part, the DVDs visit the Third Doctor's trouble with parallel worlds, a Double Doctor adventure in Spain, and the Fourth Doctor's final stand against the Master. Also featured is the debut of the Fifth Doctor and some very large maggots! Enjoy!

Issue 44 (08/09/2010)


Inferno - The Third Doctor has a bad case of deja vu as he suffers similar troubles in parallel universes.

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - Inferno - The Third Doctor faces death in a parallel universe (DOC 3.4)
  • Enemies - Morgaine - Meet the evil sorceress from another dimension (MO1)
  • Allies - Jake Simmonds - This member of the Preachers helped save two worlds (JS1)
  • Enemies - Voc Robots - Discover creepy mechanical men with murder in mind (VR1)
  • The Doctor - Friends and Foes - The Tenth Doctor's adventures in time and space begin (Part 44)
  • Allies - Zoe Heriot - Was this companion really as clever as the Second Doctor? (ZH1)
  • Behind the Scenes - Getting into Character - Actor Christopher Benjamin has worked with three different Doctors (Part 44)
  • Technology - Yeti - An exclusive look beneath the fur of these alien robots (YE1)
  • Enemies - Jagrafess - This blobby monstosity ruled the Human Empire (JG1)

Issue 45 (22/09/2010)


The Two Doctors - The Doctor takes a visit to Spain, where he meets himself and and an old enemy.

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Enemies - The Graske - The terror that caused nightmares for the Doctor and Sarah Jane (GK1)
  • Technology - Jabe's Scanner - Take a look at Tree People technology from the year 5 billion (JB1)
  • Allies - The Watcher - This projection of the future haunted the Fourth Doctor (WA1)
  • The Doctor - Rebirth of the Cybermen - Face the creatures that want to steal your humanity or destroy it (Part 45)
  • Enemies - Lady Peinforte - Meet the woman who wanted the power of a Gallifreyan weapon (PN1)
  • Allies - Titanic Passengers - Who survived the meteoroid disaster on the Starship Titanic (TT1)
  • Flashback - Hospital Horror - Discover why Sarah Jane is about to get the shock of her life (DR4-4)
  • Episode Guide - The Two Doctors - Two versions of the same Time Lord join forces to defeat the Sontarans (DOC 6.5)
  • Behind the Scenes - Highland Fling - The second part of our interview with Jamie actor Frazer Hines (Part 45)

Issue 46 (06/10/2010)


Logopolis - The Fourth Doctor makes his final stand against The Master.

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - Logopolis - The Master's machinations could mean the end of everything (DOC 4.41)
  • Allies - Martha's Family - Keep up with the Joneses and their adventures with the Tenth Doctor (MJ3)
  • Enemies - Origins of the Cybermen - Think you know about the Cybermen? Think again (CY6)
  • The Doctor - Daleks vs Cybermen - Earth is caught in the crossfire when these two foes declare war (Part 46)
  • Enemies - Axos - Dare you face the parasitic creature fought by the Third Doctor? (AX1)
  • Allies - Victoria Waterfield - Meet the orphaned companion who was always terrified (VW1)
  • Technology - Tissue Compression Eliminator - The weapon of choice for the early incarnations of the Master (TC1)
  • Enemies - The Master Lives - How the Master's fight for survival turned to desperation (MS4)
  • Behind the Scenes - Coming of Age - Christopher H Bidmead reveals the secrets of season 18 (Part 46)

Issue 47 (20/10/2010)


Castrovalva - A newly regenerated Fifth Doctor needs to fight the Master in a topsy-turvy world!

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - Castrovalva - Can such a tranquil place as Castrovalva really be a deadly trap? (DOC 5.1)
  • Allies - Hath - Meet one of mankind's oddest allies - a fiercest enemies (HT1)
  • Enemies - Sky Sylvestry - A trip to Midnight changed this poor woman's life for ever (SV1)
  • The Doctor - Spiders, Cats and Witches - The Tenth Doctor and his new friends encounter toil and trouble (Part 47)
  • Allies - Emilia Rumford - This elderly archaeologist battled The Stones of Blood (ER1)
  • Flashback - Double Trouble - Find out how the Doctor got rid of his evil doppelganger (DR2-5)
  • Behind the Scenes - Mad World - The second part of our chat with Christopher H Bidmead (Part 47)
  • Enemies - Time Lords - Discover the rogues gallery of misfits behind the legend (LO1)
  • Technology - Torchwood Telescope - This Victorian device did more than just stargaze (TS1)

Issue 48 (03/11/2010)


The Green Death - After battling a supercomputer and some giant maggots, Jo leaves the Doctor for a professor

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - The Green Death - While investigating an eco disaster, the Doctor's companion finds love (DOC 3.19)
  • Enemies - Sil - Introducing the foul slug like alien who was obsessed with money (SI1)
  • Allies - Eddison Hall Guests - Meet and greet the unfortunate party-goers who faced the Vespiform (ED1)
  • Enemies - Kess - This brutal guard took pleasure in wreaking violence on the Ood (KS1)
  • The Doctor - Genetic Horrors - The Tenth Doctor meets Daleks once again (Part 48)
  • Behind the Scenes - Jo Goes - Find out why Jo Grant actress Katy Manning left Doctor Who (Part 48)
  • Enemies - Field Major Styke - Take a look at the Sontaran who experimented on humans (SN4)
  • Allies - River Song - The intriguing woman from the Doctor's past... and future (RS1)
  • Technology - Who-Mobile - Get behind the Wheel of the Third Doctor's amazing vehicle (WH1)

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Death Count - Earthshock

Hello readers! In this edition of the Death Count series, I will be counting up the deaths in a story which features the shock return of a sinister enemy and the shock departure of a companion. It is, of course, the Fifth Doctor story Earthshock.

About this Story

No. of Episodes4
Season No.
Serial No.
Season 19
Serial 6
Broadcast Dates8th Mar -
16th Mar 1982
Run-Time97' 45"
DoctorFifth Doctor
Tegan Jovanka
The Cybermen meet their worst enemy


The Doctor and his companions land in a fossil-filled cave system where androids are killing a group of fossil hunters. Here, the Doctor uncovers and stops a plan to destroy Earth, but the Cybermen soon put their backup plan into action. With a large space freighter on collision course with Earth, who will make it out alive?

The Death Count

Episode One

CharacterTime of DeathDescription
Wounded Trooper15' 31"Killed by android
Wounded Trooper15' 31"Killed by android
Snyder15' 32"Killed by android
Trooper19' 29"Killed by android
Trooper19' 29"killed by android
Mitchell19' 29"Killed by android
Trooper22' 17"Killed by android
Trooper22' 17"Killed by android
The Doctor and his friends are attacked
in the cave system

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

32.76 (Yellow)

Episode Two

CharacterTime of DeathDescription
Android5' 03"Killed by troopers
Android5' 03"Killed by Scott
Crew Member22' 22"Killed by Cyberman
Crew Member22' 22"Killed by Cyberman
The Doctor and Adric find some bodies

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

16.38 (Mint)

Episode Three

CharacterTime of DeathDescription
Crew Member11' 16"Killed by Cybermen
Crew Member11' 20"Killed by Cybermen
Crew Member13' 06"Killed by Cybermen
Crew Member13' 06"Killed by Cybermen
Cyberman18' 53"Killed by Tegan
Ringway21' 06"Killed by Cyberman
Tegan fights back against the Cybermen

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

24.56 (Green)

Episode Four

CharacterTime of DeathDescription
Cyberman5' 25"Killed by troopers
Kyle5' 39"Killed by Cyberman
Cyberman5' 46"Killed by Scott
Cyberman13' 18"Killed by Scott
Cyberman13' 23"Killed by Scott
Cyberman15' 47"Killed by Scott
Cyberman16' 09"Killed by Scott
Cyberman16' 38"Killed by Scott
Cyber Leader21' 14"Killed by the Doctor, used gold and a gun
Cyber Lieutenant22' 00"Injuries caused by troopers
Cyberman22' 14"Killed by Nyssa
Adric22' 32"Killed when freighter crashes into Earth
Adric realises his fate

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

49.01 (Orange)


Death Toll:


Death Rating:

30.69 (Yellow)

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Whovian Diary Reviews - An Introduction

Hello readers. Today I'd like to take the time to introduce you to a new series I am going to be starting to make where I review stories. I hope you like the idea which I will be presenting below.

About the Series

Basically, this series will allow me to put across my thoughts on a particular story in an organised and more structured way that what you have seen previously. For example, New Episode Reactions, while they do offer insight into how I regard a story, they are rushed first impressions and may not accurately reflect upon my true feeling towards a story. Therefore, I will be writing this series with a clear analytical brain in as opposed to a messy impressionable brain.

In each review I will be writing about and giving scores on the following key areas:

  • Plot - The key to a great story is a great story. Does the story lead to a particular event? Does it get there to slow? Does it get there too fast? Does it ever get there at all? I'll sum that bit up in here.

  • Threat - For me, a good story has to have a decent element of threat, whether that be from the alien of the week or a twisted human being. I have to feel like the characters are actually in danger for me to think of a story as being good.

  • Acting - Another obvious one, but a good story needs good acting to make the aforementioned threat seem real. I want to be convinced: convince me!

  • Audience Engagement - Another aspect of a good story is how it makes be feel while watching it. This part of the review will be focusing on how much a story made me laugh or cry (and yes, that does happen on occasion...).

  • Each category will be given a score out of 10, which will be averaged to give an overall score. These scores will not be recorded in a table as a ranking, but a list of all the reviews will be recorded here.

    Coming Soon!

    The first review of the series will be posted on the 28th of January right here on Whovian Diary, so put it in all your diaries and have your best cup of tea ready to drink while reading!

    Sunday, January 11, 2015

    Death Count - The Vampires of Venice

    Hello readers! In this edition of the Death Count series, I will be counting up the deaths in the Eleventh Doctor story The Vampires of Venice. Enjoy!

    About this Story

    TitleThe Vampires of Venice
    No. of Episodes1
    Series No.
    Episode No.
    Series 5
    Episode 6
    Broadcast Date8th May 2010
    Run-Time47' 28"
    DoctorEleventh Doctor
    CompanionAmy Pond
    Rory Williams
    The female Saturnynes attack


    The Doctor brings Rory along for a trip to Venice as he fears her travels will affect their relationship. However, the romantic getaway soon turns sour as they come across a school for girls that isn't all it seems. Upon further investigation, the Doctor is faced with a difficult choice: the destruction of Venice or genocide?

    The Death Count

    CharacterTime of DeathDescription
    Isabella27' 27"Killed by male Saturnynes in the canal, executed as traitor
    Guido35' 57"Explodes gunpowder to kill female Saturnynes
    Female Saturnyne35' 57"Explosion caused by Guido
    Female Saturnyne35' 57"Explosion caused by Guido
    Female Saturnyne35' 57"Explosion caused by Guido
    Female Saturnyne35' 57"Explosion caused by Guido
    Female Saturnyne35' 57"Explosion caused by Guido
    Female Saturnyne35' 57"Explosion caused by Guido
    Francesco40' 14"Killed by Amy with a mirror and amplified sunlight
    Rosanna45' 27"Killed by male Saturnynes in canal

    Note: More Female Saturnynes may have been killed in the explosion at 35' 57", I just saw six clearly in the scene.

    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    21.07 (Green)

    Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

    Wednesday, January 7, 2015

    Death Count - The Deadly Assassin

    Hello readers! In this edition of the Death Count series, I will be counting up the deaths in the Fourth Doctor story The Deadly Assassin.

    About this Story

    TitleThe Deadly Assassin
    No. of Episodes4
    Season No.
    Serial No.
    Season 14
    Serial 3
    Broadcast Dates30th Oct -
    20th Nov 1976
    Run-Time94' 52"
    DoctorFourth Doctor
    The assassin targets the President


    After leaving Sarah Jane on Earth, the Doctor returns to Gallifrey. On his way, the Doctor has a disturbing premonition about the assassination of the Time Lord President. When he arrives, he is too late to stop it, and finds himself accused of the assassination, having been framed by his oldest enemy. Can the Doctor escape the Matrix and prove his innocence?

    The Death Count

    Episode One

    CharacterTime of DeathDescription
    Guard6' 00"Shot by hooded figure
    Camera Operator16' 03"Killed by hooded figure, later shown to have been shrunk
    President20' 20"Shot, seemingly by the Doctor, later proved to have been Chancellor Goth
    The Doctor infiltrates the Panopticon

    Note: President's death seen several times beforehand through premonitions seen by the Doctor

    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    14.10 (Mint)

    Episode Two

    CharacterTime of DeathDescription
    Commentator Runcible17' 08"Stabbed in the back, killer unknown
    The Doctor is menaced by the assassin in the Matrix

    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    4.03 (White)

    Episode Three

    CharacterTime of DeathDescription
    Solis20' 08"Shot by Spandrell
    The Doctor evades the assassin

    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    4.10 (White)

    Episode Four

    CharacterTime of DeathDescription
    Chancellor Goth5' 29"Died from injuries sustained when the Master destroyed Matrix circuitry
    Hilred13' 29"Shrunk by the Master
    The Master's plot is revealed

    Note: "Countless lives" are lost when the Master uses the power of the Eye of Harmony

    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    8.20 (White)


    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    8.43 (White)

    Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

    Thursday, January 1, 2015

    Doctor Who DVD Files - Part Eight: Issues 39-43


    Hello readers! This part contains the Seventh Doctor's battle against ultimate evil, a renegade Time Lord that isn't the Master and the Fifth Doctor's battle to prevent a plague. Also, the Fourth Doctor turns Sherlock! Enjoy!

    Issue 39 (30/06/2010)

    The DVD

    The Curse of Fenric - The Doctor battles the ultimate evil while Ace makes a life-changing discovery.

    The Magazine

    Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

    • Allies - Wilfred Mott - The Tenth Doctor's final companion was Donna's grandad (WM1)
    • Technology - Chameleon Arch - Read about this fearsome Gallifreyan gene-rewriting device (CA1)
    • Enemies - Haemovores - These hideous vampires rose from the freezing sea (HA1)
    • The Doctor - Angels and Demons - Ace's adventures with the Seventh Doctor get a lot darker (Part 39)
    • Allies - Nyssa - Meet the noblest of the Fifth Doctor's companions (NY1)
    • Behind the Scenes - Write Again! - The second part of our interview with writer Terrance Dicks (Part 39)
    • Flashback - Man Overboard - What is an Edwardian sailing yacht doing in space? (DR5-3)
    • Episode Guide - The Curse of Fenric - The Seventh Doctor faces an evil from the dawn of time (DOC 7.11)
    • Enemies - The Flood - Learn all about these horrific creatures from the Red Planet (FL1)

    Issue 40 (14/07/2010)

    The DVD

    The Brain of Morbius - The Doctor and Sarah Jane encounter a renegade Time Lord on Karn

    The Magazine

    Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

    • Episode Guide - The Brain of Morbius - The Fourth Doctor takes on a mad Time Lord monster (DOC 4.10)
    • Enemies - Klineman Halpen - The unscrupulous businessman learned a terrible lesson (KH1)
    • Allies - Jamie McCrimmon - Read all about the Second Doctor's Scottish companion (JM1)
    • The Doctor - Fight for Survival - The Seventh Doctor's time is coming to an end (Part 40)
    • Enemies - The Valeyard - Who is the man in black who want to destroy the Doctor? (VL1)
    • Allies - Soloman - Meet the Hooverville hero who stood up to the Daleks (SM1)
    • Behind the Scenes - Terrible Time Lords - If only all Gallifreyans were as peace-loving as the Doctor (Part 40)
    • The Doctor - The Sixth Doctor - The boldest, brashest Time Lord ever steps up (DOC 6)
    • Technology - Sontaran Warship - Take a look inside the fearsome flagship from the shipyards of Sontar (SN2)

    Issue 41 (28/07/2010)

    The DVD

    The Talons of Weng-Chiang - The Doctor and Leela face a Chinese gang, giant rats, and a powerful man from the future!

    The Magazine

    Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

    • Episode Guide - The Talons of Weng-Chiang - The Fourth Doctor and Leela unravel a Victorian mystery (DOC 4.17)
    • Allies - Vinvocci - Meet the spiky green aliens who absolutely do not look like cacti (VV1)
    • The Doctor - Sole Survivor - The Time War is over, but the Ninth Doctor is far from happy (Part 41)
    • Enemies - The Master: Reborn - The deranged Time Lord manages to cheat death itself (MS3)
    • Flashback - Mind the Gap - The Second Doctor dodges Yeti on the London Underground (DR2-6)
    • Allies - Susan Foreman - The Doctor's Granddaughter was a very mysterious figure (SF1)
    • Behind the Scenes - Clan TARDIS - Actor Frazer Hines talks about his time playing Jamie McCrimmon (Part 41)
    • Technology - Vortex Manipulator - Check out Captain Jack's amazing time-hopping wristwatch (VM1)
    • Enemies - Sisters of Plenitude - The sinister Catkind nurses of New Earth have a cure for everything (SS1)

    Issue 42 (11/08/2010)

    The DVD

    The Visitation - The Doctor and his fellow travellers try to stop an alien plague wiping out the human race.

    The Magazine

    Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

    • Enemies - Dalek Caan - Meet the member of the Cult of Skaro who went insane (DL9)
    • Allies - Richard Mace - Thespian, highwayman and adventurer, a man of many talents (RM1)
    • Technology - Tribophysical Extrapolator - Surf's up with Margaret Slitheen's pan-dimensional board (TR1)
    • The Doctor - Daleks and Zombies - The Ninth Doctor makes a horrifying discovery in the year 2012 (Part 42)
    • Enemies - Miss Foster - Her spoonful of sugar helped the Adipose dieting pills go down (FS1)
    • Allies - Sanctuar Base Staff - Find out who lived and who died on the planet Krop Tor (SB1)
    • Enemies - The Rani - This cold and calculating Time Lord was nothing but trouble (RN1)
    • Episode Guide - The Visitation - The Fifth Doctor faces alien convicts in Old London Town (DOC 5.4)
    • Behind the Scenes - Robots and Reboots - The third part of our exclusive chat with writer Terrance Dicks (Part 42)

    Issue 43 (25/08/2010)

    The DVD

    The Hand of Fear - After an encounter with a Kastrian in a quarry, Sarah Jane has a difficult decision to make.

    The Magazine

    Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

    • Episode Guide - The Hand of Fear - Srah Jane's travels with the Fourth Doctor come to an end (DOC 4.13)
    • Enemies - Lord President - Discover the secret history of Rassilon the mad Time Lord (LP1)
    • Allies - The Keeper of Traken - Was this elderly guardian of untold power a match for the Master? (KT1)
    • The Doctor - Earth in Danger - The Ninth Doctor faces his final challenge in the year 200,100 (Part 43)
    • Enemies - Commander Linx - The first Sontaran ever seen on screen was also the most cunning (SN3)
    • Allies - Shadow Architect - Meet the protector of the Holy Writ of the Shadow Proclamation (SA1)
    • Flashback - Dead in the Water - The Sea Devils swim into action and attack a Navy submarine (DR3-4)
    • Technology - Bowie Base One - Take a closer look at this infamous human outpost on Mars (BB1)
    • Behind the Scenes - Sci-Fi Serious - Meet Bob Baker, one half of the writing team that created K-9 (Part 43)

    Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!