Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Doctor Who DVD Files - Part Sixteen: Issues 79-83


Hello readers! In this part, the issues cover the latter part of Series 5, including the 2010 Christmas Special. Following this, issues included a Third Doctor Dalek story, the Sixth Doctor's trip to Telos and the Fifth Doctor encounters and ancient enemy deep beneath the ocean's surface. Enjoy!

Issue 79 (11/1/2012)


The Lodger - The Doctor has to live a normal life to investigate aliens in Essex.

The Pandorica Opens - The Doctor and Amy discover the perfect prison beneath Stonehenge.

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - The Pandorica Opens - A trap awaits the Doctor deep beneath Stonehenge (EP 5.12)
  • Allies - Henry Avery - This pirate captain wasn't as evil as he seemed (HE1)
  • Alien Worlds - Logopolis - Visit the planet that kept the universe from unravelling (LO1)
  • Behind the Scenes - The Rani Returns - Read part two of our exclusive interview with Kate O'Mara (Part 79)
  • Technology - Pandorica - Climb inside the strongest prison in the universe (PR1)
  • Enemies - Light - A surveyor from another world, Light wasn't good at adapting (LG1)
  • Who on Earth - New Companions - The nineties and noughties were busy times for the Doctor (Part 28)
  • Enemies - Pandorica Alliance - Find out who was who in this unholy union of monsters (PR1)
  • Episode Guide - The Lodger - The Doctor embarks on his greatest adventure: normal life! (EP 5.11)

Issue 80 (25/1/2012)


The Big Bang - The Doctor is in a race against time to stop his TARDIS from destroying the universe

A Christmas Carol - Amy and Rory's honeymoon is heading for disaster...

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - A Christmas Carol - The Doctor must use all his wits to outsmart Kazran Sardick (EP 6.X)
  • Enemies - Stone Dalek - Even fossilisation couldn't stop the monsters from Skaro (DL13)
  • Who on Earth - World's End - 2006 was the year in which everything changed for Earth (Part 29)
  • Flashback - Maximum Power - The Third Doctor takes his last stand against a giant spider (DR3-7)
  • Alien Worlds - Parallel Earth - Explore a world that was a twisted mirror of our own (PE1)
  • Allies - Abigail Pettigrew - The frozen women helped to thaw Kazran Sardick's heart (AL1)
  • Behind the Scenes - Astro Girl - Exclusive interview with Wendy Padbury, who played Zoe (Part 80)
  • Episode Guide - The Big Bang - The Doctor meets a grreat artist and a terrifying monster (EP 5.13)
  • Technology - TARDIS Console - Discover the secrets of the Eleventh Doctor's eccentric ship (TD7)

Issue 81 (8/2/2012)


Planet of the Daleks - The Doctor and Jo run into trouble on the planet Spiridon

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - Planet of the Daleks - The Doctor and Jo are trapped in an alien jungle (DOC 3.18)
  • Allies - Madame Vastra - Read about the Silurian adventuress from Victorian London (VS1)
  • Enemies - Ganger Jen - Jeffiner Lucas' flesh avatar had a life of its own (GA2)
  • Who on Earth - Wanted Aliens - 2008 was a year of relentless alien invasion (Part 30)
  • Behind the Scenes - Taylor Talks - Actor Peter Purves shares his memories of playing Steven (Part 81)
  • Technology - Dalek Time Travel - Discover the secrets of the Dalek's time travel technology (DL4)
  • Alien Worlds - Messaline - This subterranean world of warfare was not what it seemed (MS1)
  • Enemies - Torchwood One - Before Captain Jack there was Yvonne Hartman (TW1)
  • The Doctor - The Eleventh Doctor - Everything you need to know about the madman with a box (DOC 11)

Issue 82 (22/2/2012)


Attack of the Cybermen - The Sixth Doctor and Peri visit 1980s London, where they encounter Cybermen from Telos

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - Attack of the Cybermen - The Doctor and Peri battle the silver ginats on Telos (DOC 6.2)
  • Enemies - Cyber Guard - If you go down to Stonehenge, you're sure of a big surprise (CY7)
  • Alien Worlds - Castrovalva - Visit the city that was really a mathematical trap (CA1)
  • Allies - Lorna Bucket - Meet the girl who ran with the Doctor (LB1)
  • Technology - Osterhagen Key - Martha Jones held the key to doomsday in her hand (OK1)
  • Who on Earth - Raising Aliens - Adipose, Daleks, stingrays and the Master (Part 31)
  • Enemies - Auntie and Uncle - The Patchwork People of House were not what they seemed (AN1)
  • Allies - Amy Pond - Little Amelia grew up to be a traveller in space and time (PO2)
  • Behind the Scenes - Sontaran Concept Art - Check out the designs that brought the clone warriors to life (Part 82)

Issue 83 (28/12/2011)


Warriors of the Deep - The Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough encounter Silurians and Sea Devils preparing to conquer Earth

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - Warriors of the Deep - Silurians and Sea Devils unite to take on the Fifth Doctor (DOC 5.15)
  • Allies - Richard Nixon - The US President nicknamed Tricky Dicky had a secret (RX1)
  • Who on Earth - Changing History - The Eleventh Doctor's adventures on Earth begin (Part 32)
  • Enemies - Doctor Malohkeh - Was this Silurian scientist as creepy as he looked? (MK1)
  • Behind the Scenes - Ood Doodles - Check out the concept art that brought the Ood to life (Part 83)
  • Alien Worlds - Argolis - Visit the famous planet of the Leisure Hive (AR1)
  • Allies - Jo Jones - Find out what happened to Jo Grant after she left the Doctor (JG2)
  • Enemies - Madame Kovarian - This fiendishly clever woman was determined to stop the Doctor (KO1)
  • Technology - Dalek Crucible - Check out the beating heart of Davros' New Dalek Empire (DL5)

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Death Count - The Androids of Tara

Hello readers! In this edition of the Death Count series, I will be counting up the deaths in the Fourth Doctor story The Androids of Tara, in which the Doctor and Romana hunt for the fourth segment of the Key to Time.

About this Story

TitleThe Androids of Tara
No. of Episodes4
Season No.
Serial No.
Season 16
Serial 4
Broadcast Dates25th Nov -
16th Dec 1978
Run-Time98' 12"
DoctorFourth Doctor
K-9 Mk II
The Doctor attempts to crown Prince Reynart


In the hunt for the fourth segment of the Key to Time, the TARDIS lands on Tara, where the Doctor wishes to relax while Romana searches. However, when Romana runs into trouble with Count Grendel, the Doctor is roped into the plot to crown Prince Reynart. When both of them are troubled by android doubles, can they come together and crown the correct king?

The Death Count

Episode One

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

0.00 (White)

Episode Two

CharacterTime of DeathDescription
Android Strella23' 32"Deactivated by the Doctor with a staff through the head

Grendel holds Romana captive

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

4.08 (White)

Episode Three

CharacterTime of DeathDescription
Android Romana16' 46"Deactivated by K-9's laser
Lamia17' 11"Killed by Grendel's guards
Android Reynart22' 58"Deactivated by Grendel with a spear

Lamia escorts the android Romana

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

12.53 (Mint)

Episode Four

CharacterTime of DeathDescription
Grendel's Guard18' 36"Killed by Royal Guards with electric swords
Grendel's Guard18' 36"Killed by Royal Guards with electric swords

Romana and Strella are held in
Grendel's dungeons

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

8.05 (White)


Death Toll:


Death Rating:

6.11 (White)

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Character Profile - Rose Tyler: The Returns

Calling Out

Following the conclusion of the battle of Canary Wharf, Rose finds herself trapped in a parallel universe with no way to return to her home universe. However, as determined as ever, Rose did not let this stop her. Rose makes a surprise appearance at the end of Partners in Crime, when Donna Noble leaves her with a message for Sylvia, Donna's mother. However, without passing the message on, Rose disappears with a flash of light, returning to the parallel universe, with neither her or Donna knowing about the other person's connection with the Doctor.

Rose calls out to the Doctor
Rose later appears on the TARDIS scanner silently calling out for the Doctor, unseen by Donna, who was concentrating on the plan to defeat the Sontarans. The same happens later on in the Crusader-50 on the planet Midnight. However, the Doctor is busy dealing with the entity that is terrorising the passengers of the stricken tour bus.

Bad Wolf Rises

When Donna had an alternate timeline created around her decision to turn left at a junction, a choice that led her to meet the Doctor. In this alternate timeline, Donna turns right, causing her never to meet the Doctor. Rose appears to Donna several times after the Doctor died in this parallel universe as Donna was not there to intervene. During this time, Rose encourages Donna to get out of London for Christmas in 2008, saving her from the Titanic which crash-landed in Central London without the Doctor to prevent it, but leaving Donna homeless.

Rose persuades Donna that the
timeline is not right
Rose appears to Donna once again, revealing she is working with UNIT to attempt to fix the timeline. They have realised that Donna is the cause of this timeline, and to prevent it ever happening, Rose has to persuade Donna to travel back in time and somehow convince herself to turn left. After Donna sacrifices herself to save the timelines, Rose leaves her a message for the Doctor: "Bad Wolf."

When the Earth is transported across space, Rose returns to her home universe in the midst of a Dalek invasion. Trying desperately to contact the Doctor, Rose attempts to join the Subwave Network with the Doctor's other friends. However, this is unsuccessful, leading her to go and find the Doctor by herself. However, just as they are about to reunite, a Dalek shoots the Doctor, causing the Doctor to begin regenerating...

The Metacrisis Doctor goes to the
parallel world with Rose
The Doctor manages to direct the regeneration energy into his severed hand, allowing him to keep his appearance, following which Rose infiltrates the Dalek Crucible alongside the Doctor, Donna and Jack. Here, Rose meets Davros, creator of the Daleks, before teaming up with more of the Doctor's friends to defeat Davros and the Daleks, with help from the Metacrisis Doctor. Following this, Rose is forced to return to the parallel world, but this time she gets to keep the Metacrisis Doctor, who like her, only has one life.

Shining Moment

The Moment takes on the
form of the Bad Wolf
Rose appears again as the Tenth Doctor visits all his friends prior to his regeneration. However, as Rose is in the parallel world, the Doctor has to visit Rose in the past, meeting her on New Year's Day 2005, where he foreshadows her later meeting with him.

When the War Doctor is about to use the Moment to destroy Gallifrey, the interface takes on the shape of Rose as an important figure from the Doctor's timeline. In the form of "Bad Wolf", the Moment guides the War Doctor to make the right decision, showing him his future selves and how his choice affects his future.

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Doctor Who DVD Files - Part Fifteen: Issues 74-78


Hello readers! In this part, the issues have returned to the New series, releasing Series Five, in which the newly regenerated Eleventh Doctor fights old monsters such as Daleks, Weeping Angels and Silurians, as well as meeting new adversaries such as Smilers and Saturnynes. Enjoy!

Issue 74 (02/11/2011)


The Eleventh Hour - Can the new Doctor recover in time to save the world?

The Beast Below - Amy Pond has a difficult first adventure in the TARDIS

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - The Beast Below - Will the Doctor's new friend Amy Pond survive her trip Starship UK (EP 5.2)
  • Who On Earth - Dalek Chase - The 1960s were as deadly as they were swinging (Part 23)
  • Enemies - Prisoner Zero - This malevolent multiform ran amok in sleepy Leadworth village (PZ1)
  • Alien Worlds - Terra Alpha - Visit an Earth colony world policed by the brutal Happiness Patrol (TR1)
  • Allies - Hawthorne - Meet the chief advisor to Liz 10, queen of spacefaring Britain (HA1)
  • Technology - TARDIS Defence Systems - The TARDIS is practically indestructible, find out why and how (TD6)
  • Enemies - Professor Hobbes and Dee Dee - A creature on the planet Midnight made monsters of this brainy pair (PH1)
  • Episode Guide - The Eleventh Hour - The Doctor must save the world while is still regenerating (EP 5.1)
  • Behind the Scenes - Pond Life - Exclusive interview with Arthur Darvill, the actor behind Rory the Roman (Part 74)

Issue 75 (16/11/2011)


Victory of the Daleks - The Daleks turn up in World War Two London, but can they be trusted?

The Time of Angels - The Doctor, Amy and River traverse the Maze of the Dead, surrounded by deadly Weeping Angels.

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - The Time of Angels - The Eleventh Doctor answers a cry for help from River Song (EP 5.4)
  • Who on Earth - Awakening Evil - In 1969 humanity decided to go to the Moon, or did they? (Part 24)
  • Alien Worlds - Karn - Visit the desolate, storm-lashed home of Morbius (KA1)
  • Enemies - The Silence - Meet the monsters behind the Apollo Space missions (SE1)
  • Technology - Gangers - Discover the secrets of a creepy 22nd century invention (GA1)
  • Alien Worlds - Krop Tor - Dare you set foot on the planet of the Beast? (KT1)
  • Allies - Doctor Ryder - The Ood owe their freedom to this brave double agent (RY1)
  • Episode Guide - Victory of the Daleks - The Daleks are back and bigger and bolder than ever (EP 5.3)
  • Behind the Scenes - Redesign of the Daleks - Read an exclusive interview with concept artist Peter McKinstry (Part 75)

Issue 76 (30/11/2011)


Flesh and Stone - The Doctor, Amy and River need to outrun the Angels and the crack from Amy's wall...

The Vampires of Venice - The Doctor takes Rory and Amy on a romantic trip to Venice, but things don't go to plan

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - Flesh and Stone - Can the Doctor, Amy and River escape the Weeping Angels? (EP 5.5)
  • Allies - Grace Holloway - This American heart surgeon accidentally killed the Doctor (GH1)
  • Enemies - Angel Bob - Meet the Weeping Angel that crashed the Byzantium (WA3)
  • Flashback - To the Death - The Master and the Doctor fight for survival (DR 7-4)
  • Behind the Scenes - Terror in Trogir - Visit Croatia, the exotic home of Vampires and Van Gogh (Part 76)
  • Episode Guide - The Vampires of Venice - Is Rosanna Calvierri's Venetian academy really a school of fish? (EP 5.6)
  • Alien Worlds - House - This sentient world lived outside the known Universe (HO1)
  • Who on Earth - The UNIT Years - Open up the top-secret file on UNIT's dating controversy (Part 25)
  • Technology - Byzamtium - Take a tour of the starliner that crashed on Alfava Metraxis (BY1)

Issue 77 (14/12/2011)


Amy's Choice - Can the Doctor, Amy and Rory tell the difference between dream and reality?

The Hungry Earth - The Doctor is faced with a very old foe in a quiet Welsh village

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - The Hungry Earth - An ancient underground foe awaits the Doctor in Wales (EP 5.8)
  • Allies - Tony Mack - This innocent father was caught up in a cold-blooded conflict (TM1)
  • Enemies - Heavenly Host - Meet the mechanical servants of Max Capricorn (HH1)
  • Technology - River Song's Tech - Check out the weapons and gadgets belonging to Dr Song (RI1)
  • Enemies - Alaya - This bitter Silurian warrior wanted to destroy humanity (AL1)
  • Behind the Scenes - Boots, Braces and Bow Ties - Take a look at the Eleventh Doctor's super-cool wardrobe (Part 77)
  • Who on Earth - Travels with Tegan - The Fourth Doctor picks up an outspoken new companion (Part 26)
  • Alien Worlds - Mars - Behold the Red Planet, home of the Ice Warriors (MR1)
  • Episode Guide - Amy's Choice - The Doctor faces an emeny just as clever as he is... (EP 5.7)

Issue 78 (28/12/2011)


Cold Blood - The Doctor, Amy and Rory enter a deadly fight against the Silurians

Vincent and the Doctor - A puzzling picture takes the Doctor and Amy to see Van Gogh

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - Cold Blood - The Doctor and his human friends take on the Silurians (EP 5.9)
  • Allies - Idris - What connects this scatty woman with the soul of the TARDIS? (ID1)
  • Alien Worlds - Traken - Take a trip to the most peaceful place in the Universe (TK1)
  • Who on Earth - Cyber Plans - The 1980s were a dangerous time to be alive (Part 27)
  • Allies - General Sanchez - Meet UNIT's head of operations in New York (GS1)
  • Enemies - Nephew - This lost Ood was servant of the mysterious House (OO1)
  • Behind the Scenes - Time Lady - Exclusive interview with Kate O'Mara who played the Rani (Part 78)
  • Episode Guide - Vincent and the Doctor - The Doctor meets a great artist and a terrifying monster (EP 5.10)
  • Technology - Raston Warrior Robot - Discover the secrets of the perfect battle machine (RA1)

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Top Five(ish) - Doctors

Hello readers! Something a bit special today. I haven't been around for a few weeks due to scary future stuff, but I couldn't miss today. Today marks the first anniversary of this blog! To mark this special day, I thought I'd answer one of the most essential questions of Doctor who fandom: who is my favourite Doctor?

This isn't going to be a normal Top Five post. That would be much too difficult to write and rank. I am going to start with my favourite Doctor, then work my way down from there. I have different tiers of Doctors, within which I cannot decide an explicit ranking. Therefore, without further ado, here is my top five tiers of Doctors. I can't do anything the simple way.... -sighs-

Note: A large amount of time passed during the writing of this post and this order underwent some heavy reshuffling and opinions changed leading to many rewrites, so just go with it...

First Tier

This one is solely reserved for my favourite Doctor:

The Fourth Doctor

Portrayed by Tom Baker, the Fourth Doctor (and also the longest serving Doctor) is my favourite due to the energy he brought to the part. Baker's sole ambition was to make the show as enjoyable as possible for his audience, something which he put forward in his portrayal with excellent conviction, even if he didn't have the best material to work with. His comedic performances with excellent ruthlessness was a brilliant combination, and I can't really sum up into words how good he is. Though that could just be me writing this at 2am.

Second Tier

Here you will find the Doctors I consider to be excellent, but not quite the best:

Sixth Doctor

The Sixth Doctor is the most underrated Doctor. Colin Baker brings a fresh energy to the role and during his time as the Doctor, you can see his character develop massively. He gels well with his companions, yet still keeps the abrasive side to the character. It's a shame that the BBC weren't fully backing the show once it came round to this era, but Baker puts his all into his portrayal despite of all the bad press and cancellation efforts.

Eleventh Doctor

Despite some shaky patches for the show during Matt Smith's time as the Doctor, one constant brilliant element to the show was his acting talents shining through. The progression of the show during this time was great for my tastes, as it moved from fairy-tale to a darker fantasy. I liked how this Doctor reacted to personal trauma, as he took time to recover from it rather than jump straight back into adventures and keep talking out his traumas, but more on that later....

Third Tier

These Doctors give a good, solid performance:

Second Doctor

Patrick Troughton's Doctor was the first one to take over the lead role, giving him the great responsibility of selling the changes to the audience. The Second Doctor was a lot more active than the First Doctor making him less reliant on his companions. Troughton's Doctor also brought a more juvenile characteristic to the role, yet could still play serious when the role demanded it. He brought a humour to the role which has stuck around for the show's history.

Seventh Doctor

The late 1980s was a rough time for Doctor Who. After defying cancellation once, the show was under great scrutiny from the powers that were. For me, the Seventh Doctor, portrayed by Sylvester McCoy, got off to a rocky start, but once he was paired with Ace, the show began to improve despite the reduced production values. His character showed echos of the Second Doctor, with silly and serious sides when they were appropriate. 

Ninth Doctor

This Doctor brought the show back with a bang in 2005. Portrayed by Christopher Eccleston, this Doctor was possibly the most human yet, showing the pain and grief caused by his loss in the Time War. This Doctor got more personal with his companions, making his character more relatable then his previous incarnations and more appropriate for the modern audiences. Despite the 'damaged goods' character, Eccleston could also play a more comedic chatacter towards the end of his tenure when Captian Jack joined the TARDIS crew. 

Tenth Doctor

Widely considered as the best Doctor by the young fans of today (many of whom are ignorant to the classic era), I find that David Tennant's Doctor is suitably eccentric, alongside the ability to be comedic and serious in the appropriate circumstances. However, this Doctor became too attached to Rose and his new inability to move on from lost companions meant his Doctor was almost too human. This Doctor was at his best with Donna when Rose was completely out of the picture. 

Twelfth Doctor

The current Doctor, played by Peter Capaldi, has got off to a decent start. So far, I am thoroughly enjoying his tenure with Capaldi being one of the shining lights in the not so good episodes. While this Doctor has not yet been fully developed and explored, in episodes we have seen so far, the Twelfth Doctor has been shown to be practically inhuman. He isn't as tolerant as other incarnations towards humans, but I hope that he mellows over time like the First Doctor. 

Fourth Tier

The following are still good, but have some character flaws:

First Doctor

The original Doctor was portrayed as a wise, learned old grandfather by William Hartnell, and this enabled him to come across as kind and caring some of the time, but also crotchety and intolerant at other times. These contrasts in characterisation sometimes make his performance seem disjointed, however, Hartnell's excellent acting abilities allow him to steal any scene, regardless of his health issues later in his tenure. 

Third Doctor

This Doctor's era got off to a brilliant start with Jon Pertwee's partnership with Caroline John. As intellectual equals, they had an agreeable relationship with mutual respect. However, with intellectectual superiority over later companions, the Doctor began to show arrogance. However, the earth bound format of much of his era gave Pertwee lots of chance to establish chemistry with the UNIT regulars. 

Fifth Doctor

Portrayed by Peter Davison, this Doctor had an excellent charm and a great relationship with most of his companions. However, there were times when he could be hapless and childish, often leading to immature arguments between him and his companions, such as Adric. Nevertheless, the Doctor held up some Doctor-ish traits such as pacifism and getting there with minimal bloodshed. Also, I find that due to a large number of companions in his era, character development could be limited at times.

Fifth Tier

I don't have enough experience with these Doctors to pass a suitable judgement upon them:

Eighth Doctor

At time of writing, I have only just recently watched the TV Movie, and I have to say, I really think this Doctor had great potential. Paul McGann brought an excellent personality to the role, despite the narrative issues in the film. However, his character was much more developed in the Big Finish audio dramas, but I haven't been able to listen to many of those. 

War Doctor

John Hurt's forgotten Doctor is portrayed brilliantly, with most of the Doctor's human qualities stripped right back making this Doctor seem even more alien than the rest of them. However, with only his 50th Anniversary appearance to go off, this Doctor's full development was limited. 

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!