Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Character Profile - Rose Tyler: Travels with Ten

Regeneration Recovery

Rose becomes Earth's champion in
the Doctor's absence
After the Doctor regenerated at the end of The Parting of the Ways, the TARDIS crash-landed on the Powell Estate just in time for Christmas. However, the Doctor was in a coma following the traumatic changes to his body, meaning that when the Sycorax arrived, Rose had to team up with Harriet Jones and UNIT to take down the threat. With time running out, the Doctor miraculously recovers just in time to stop the Sycorax attacking the planet with their blood control.

Travelling with the new Doctor, Rose arrived on New Earth, where a trip to New New York Hospital led to an encounter with a familiar threat. Rose's body was taken over by Cassandra, the self-titled "Last Human". However, with the Sisters of Plenitude holding deadly secrets of their own, it's not long before the possessed Rose to join forces with the Doctor and stop a deadly plague spreading across New Earth.

Rose witnesses the Werewolf's
Next, Rose travels to the Scottish Highlands, where she encounters Queen Victoria and a werewolf. Locked in the cellars of Torchwood House, Rose witnesses the wolf transforming in the moonlight before it is set loose to kill the Queen. Rose and the Doctor try to protect her, but their success depends upon some mistletoe and a very precious diamond.

Old Friends, Old Enemies

Rose get's along well with the Doctor's
old friend, Sarah Jane Smith
Posing as a dinner-lady and a physics teacher, Rose and the Doctor investigate a school that is a bit suspicious. However, they get more than they bargained for when the Krillitanes are found to have infiltrated the school and plan to use the children to turn themselves into gods. Also, Rose gets a shock to learn that she isn't the only woman in the Doctor's life, when Sarah Jane Smith is also found to be investigating the school.

With her ex-boyfriend Mickey Smith now also on board the TARDIS, Rose is feeling a little uncomfortable. But when they land aboard a 51st Century spaceship which is linked to 18th Century France, Rose is forced to work with Mickey to solve the mystery of the Clockwork robots and Madame de Pompadour.

Rose and Pete infiltrate Cybus Industries
Trapped in a parallel universe, Rose discovers that her father is still alive and cannot resist paying him a visit. However, the visit becomes costly when she encounters the Cybermen. When the parallel version of her mother is converted into a Cyberman, she works with Pete to infiltrate Cybus Industries and take them down. Rose is left upset when Mickey decides to stay in the parallel universe after the parallel version of himself is killed.

Welcome to Hell

A trip to London in the 1950 proves costly for Rose when she is attacked by the ravenous Wire, leaving her face featureless and her likeness screaming out of a TV screen in Mr Magpie's store. However, she is soon saved by the Doctor, who stops the Wire before millions of other people are also transformed.

Rose is terrorised by the Beast, which
is possessing Toby
Landing on an impossible planet, Rose is almost immediately in danger when the planet's surface collapses and the TARDIS is lost. Stranded, an evil force awakens and begins to terrorise the humans on the planet's surface. With the Ood turned into deadly weapons and the Beast attempting to escape his chains, Rose is in a race against time to leave the planet, but has to leave the Doctor behind...

Back on Earth, Rose and the Doctor deal with an alien pest in London, unaware that they're being tracked by LINDA and the deadly Abzorbaloff. With the members of LINDA disappearing one by one and the net closing in around the Doctor, Rose is also left in grave danger.

The Final Battle

Rose digs up a street to save the world
Rose is taken to see the London 2012 Olympics, but before they can see them, the Doctor mysteriously vanishes while investigating cases of missing children. Rose is forced to take on the mystery herself and rescue the Doctor, as well as prevent the world vanishing due to the power of the Isolus.

Returning home, Rose and the Doctor are shocked to discover the presence of ghosts. In their attempts to get to the bottom of the mystery, the Doctor and Rose end up at the Torchwood Tower, where they discover the ghosts are coming from the Void. But, they get more than they bargained for when the ghosts turn out to be an army of Cybermen and the Cult of Skaro, a secret Dalek group, also come through the Void.

Rose is devastated about being trapped
in the parallel universe
When the Cult of Skaro release their own army of Daleks, the two metallic races wage war upon each other, leading to a heavy loss of human life too. The only solution is to drag them all back into the Void, but at the risk of pulling themselves in due to their travels to the parallel Earth. When one of the levers controlling the hole in the universe fails, Rose attempts to fix it, however she is dragged away, being saved by her father at the last moment. This means she is trapped in the parallel Earth forever, leaving her heartbroken.

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Death Count - A Good Man Goes to War

Hello readers! In this edition of the of the Death Count series, I will be counting up the deaths in the Eleventh Doctor story, and the mid-season finale of Series Six, A Good Man Goes to War. Enjoy!

About this Story

TitleA Good Man Goes to War
No. of Episodes1
Series No.
Episode No.
Series 6
Episode 7
Broadcast Date4th Jun 2011
Run-Time48' 20"
DoctorEleventh Doctor
CompanionAmy Pond
Rory Williams
Rory, Vastra, Jenny and Strax prepare to defend Amy
and Melody from the advancing Headless Monks


The Doctor and Rory are on a quest to find Amy and her newborn daughter, Melody, who have been kidnapped by the cunning Madame Kovarian. Discovering her location on Demon's Run, the Doctor's small army overpower the clerics who are running the base and take control. However, when the Headless Monks attack the victory celebrations, they realise they've walked right into a trap. Will Amy and Rory live to ever see their baby again?

The Death Count

CharacterTime of DeathDescription
The Fat One7' 39"Beheaded by the Headless Monks
Headless Monk20' 15"Shot by the Thin One
Unnamed Cleric20' 24"Killed by Headless Monk
Unnamed Cleric20' 29"Killed by Headless Monk
Headless Monk38' 31"Shot by Rory
Headless Monk38' 36"Killed by Vastra with a sword
Headless Monk38' 38"Shot by Strax
Headless Monk38' 44"Killed by Jenny with a sword
Headless Monk38' 48"Killed by Rory with sword
Headless Monk38' 51"Killed by Rory with sword
Ganger Melody Pond39' 01"Dissolved into Flesh by Madame Kovarian
Strax40' 20"Died from injuries from Headless Monks
Lorna Bucket42' 04"Died from injuries after being shot by Headless Monks

  • At 3' 55" the 12th Cyber Legion fleet explodes, presumably killing all on board
  • At 36' 14" three dead Silurians are seen to have been killed by Headless Monks, however this doesn't happen on screen
  • At 37' 33" Dorium Maldovar is beheaded by the Monks, however he is shown to still be alive (albeit bodiless) in The Wedding of River Song
  • Rory searches for his wife, looking for
    answers from the 12th Cyber Legion

    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    26.90 (Green)

    Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

    Sunday, February 15, 2015

    Death Count - The War Machines

    Hello readers! In this post I will be counting up the deaths in the First Doctor story that rounded off Season Three, The War Machines. This story featured the departure of Dodo Chaplet as the companion, who was replaced by Ben and Polly.

    About this Story

    TitleThe War Machines
    No. of Episodes4
    Season No.
    Serial No.
    Season 3
    Serial 10
    Broadcast Dates25th Jun -
    16th Jul 1966
    Run-Time95' 27"
    DoctorFirst Doctor
    CompanionDodo Chaplet
    Ben Jackson
    A War Machine rampages through London


    Landing back in London in the 1960s, the Doctor is immediately suspicious of alien activity. Visiting the brand new WOTAN machine, which can think for itself, the Doctor seems reassured. However, when suspicious deaths and disappearances occur, and Polly and Dodo are under the influence of the enemy, can the Doctor and Ben bring them back before the WOTAN's War Machines take over London?

    The Death Count

    Episode One

    The Doctor and Dodo examine WOTAN

    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    0.00 (White)

    Episode Two

    CharacterTime of DeathDescription
    Unnamed Tramp9' 36"Killed by Brett's labourers
    Unnamed Labourer19' 16"Killed by War Machine during testing
    Dodo is under the influence of WOTAN

    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    8.30 (White)

    Episode Three

    CharacterTime of DeathDescription
    Unnamed Soldier17' 43"Killed by War Machine
    Unnamed Soldier17' 43"Killed by War Machine
    Unnamed Soldier18' 07"Killed by War Machine
    Unnamed Soldier19' 30"Killed by War Machine
    Major Green leads the attack of
    a War Machine

    Note: Large amounts of smoke during the warehouse attack meant that not all deaths were apparent, meaning I could have missed some due to them being unclear.

    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    16.63 (Mint)

    Episode Four

    CharacterTime of DeathDescription
    Unnamed Labourer5' 16"Killed by War Machine
    War Machine14' 53"Deactivated by the Doctor (Later reactivated)
    Professor Krimpton19' 23"Killed by War Machine (controlled by the Doctor)
    WOTAN19' 35"Killed by War Machine (controlled by the Doctor)

    The Doctor's War Machine turns on
    Krimpton and WOTAN

    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    17.22 (Mint)


    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    10.48 (Mint)

    Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

    Wednesday, February 11, 2015

    Top Five - Title Sequences

    Hello readers! Welcome back to this section of the blog where I pick an aspect of the show and give my opinions on it. In this edition, I will be ranking my five favourite variations of the title sequences: audio and visual combined. So, let's get started:

    5. Debuted on 30th August, 1980 (The Leisure Hive, Part One)

    A new decade brought about several changes to Doctor Who, with a new title sequence being one of them. Both the audio and visual sides were completely revamped, giving the show a new look.

    Visually, I like this title sequence because the background looks like what we would perceive space to look like, rather than the funky coloured time vortex sequences of the 70s. This means the viewer can relate to the Doctor's space travel, as they recognise that this is how space looks.

    Musically, this sequence is a lot more futuristic compared to it's predecessors. It's also a breath of fresh air as the preceding titles had been in use for a very long time, with this change making it feel like the show was going somewhere. Also, I'm just glad they got rid of those horrific foghorn-like noises at the end of the 70s' music.

    4. Debuted on 7th September, 1987 (Time and the Rani, Part One)

    A new Doctor brought another change to the title sequence, along with a new logo. This new title sequence was the first to be made solely by computer animation.

    This title sequence also had a space theme. It depicted a galaxy with some meteors falling towards it, followed by the TARDIS flying towards that galaxy. The Doctor's face then appears, and winks, before more meteors and letter fly across the screen with the letters forming the logo. I like this title sequence as the computer animation makes it look more realistic, and you can actually see the TARDIS flying through space.

    The main reason I like this version of the title music is because of how similar the middle eight is to the new series music. I like it in the new series, so going back and hearing it in classic who is a good thing. As this was the last title sequence of the classic show, I think it also links very well into the revived show.

    3. Debuted on 26th March, 2005 (Rose)

    The return of Doctor Who in 2005 meant the show was completely remade. This was the first title sequence of the new series, featuring brand new music, visuals and a new logo.

    The title sequence returned to the time vortex format, which worked brilliantly in this new series. We follow the TARDIS through the vortex, until we reach a point then it turns around, this time the vortex changes colour. This symbolises when the TARDIS is travelling forwards and backwards in time, an effect which is also used in the show, giving the title sequence a strong link to the show.

    The music of this sequence sounds very much like the original music, yet more futuristic, highlighting the advancement of the show from when it first appeared on out screens.

    2. Debuted on 25th December, 2012 (The Snowmen)

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I think this is the title sequence that has been used in the fewest episodes, appearing in only ten episodes. Regardless, I still enjoyed watching it!

    Visually, a lot is going on. We are following the TARDIS through space as it flies around galaxies, but we are then separated from it by explosions. Continuing trough space, the credits and logo appear, followed by the Doctor's face. We then enter the time vortex where the episode title is given and we rejoin the TARDIS to finish the sequence. I love this as it has both space and the time vortex, as well as a return to the classic tradition of featuring the Doctor's face.

    Although this music is not my favourite, I do believe that it works very well with these titles.

    1. Debuted on 25th December, 2007 (Voyage of the Damned)

    Here we have it, my favourite title sequences combining music and visuals.

    With regards to visuals, they are very much unchanged from the titles in third position on this countdown, so I will refer you up to there and not just repeat myself...

    This title music is an improvement upon the previous version, in my opinion, because it has a more orchestral feel to it. It makes it more real and every time I listen I get goosebumps. And it's in Donna's series, and Donna is epic.

    Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

    Wednesday, February 4, 2015

    Doctor Who DVD Files - Part Ten: Issues 49-53


    Hello readers! In this part, the DVDs visit the Fourth Doctor's debut with a giant robot, part one of the Black Guardian trilogy and an assassin strikes when the Doctor visits Gallifrey! Also, Sarah Jane makes her debut and the series' final story of the classic era.

    Issue 49 (17/11/2010)

    The DVD

    Robot - Can the newly regenerated Fourth Doctor save Sarah Jane from the grips of a giant robot?

    The Magazine

    Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

    • Enemies - Foamasi - Meet the alien gangsters who tried to take over the Leisure Hive (FO1)
    • Allies - Captain Magambo - This UNIT officer helped to save two different Earths (MG1)
    • The Doctor - Scarecrows and Statues - The Tenth Doctor decides to become human (Part 49)
    • Enemies - Borusa - The Doctor's old tutor became a power-mad president (Part 49)
    • Flashback - Ice Cold Invaders - The Cybermen make their very first appearance (DR1-4)
    • Allies - New Humans - Discover how the human race was reborn on another world (NW1)
    • Behind the Scenes - Going Boho - Take a peek inside the Fourth Doctor's wardrobe (Part 49)
    • Episode Guide - Robot - A newly regenerated Doctor must face a giant robot (DOC 4.1)
    • Technology - K1 Robot - Get under the skin of the robot who fell in love with Sarah Jane (KR1)

    Issue 50 (01/12/2010)

    The DVD

    Mawdryn Undead - The Doctor bumps into an old friend and meets a new companion, but can he be trusted?

    The Magazine

    Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

    • Enemies - Cobb - Find out about the man who tried to kill the Tenth Doctor (CB1)
    • Allies - Ben and Polly - Meet the first companions to see the Doctor regenerate (BP1)
    • The Doctor - Earth in Peril - The Doctor faces his old enemy once again (Part 50)
    • Enemies - Helen A - The sigary-sweet villain who tried to ban sadness (HE1)
    • Allies - Doctor Moon - Was everything as it seemed with this sinister physician? (DM1)
    • Behind the Scenes - Friend or Foe? - Read our exclusive interview with Mark Strickson (Part 50)
    • Enemies - Meglos - Introducing the spiky-faced monster who faced the Fourth Doctor (MG1)
    • Episode Guide - Mawdryn Undead - Can you make sense of this timey-wimey adventure? (DOC 5.10)
    • Technology - Time Station - Take a look inside this vast piece of Time Lord technology (LO1)

    Issue 51 (15/12/2010)

    The DVD

    Survival - The Seventh Doctor and Ace battle the Master to round off 28 years of Classic Doctor Who.

    The Magazine

    Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

    This issue saw the inclusion of two new sections of the magazine: Who on Earth (Recounting the Doctor's adventures on Earth) and Alien Worlds (Guide to the many places the Doctor has visited on his travels).

    • Allies - Liz 10 - The once and future queen who ruled Starship UK (LI1)
    • Technology - Sontaran Swagger Stick - Take a closer look at this piece of knock-out alien tech (SN3)
    • Who on Earth - Earth Born - Find out about the Earth's origins and the Doctor's involvement in them (Part 1)
    • Flashback - A Gift of Death - The Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane witness a terrifying murder (DR4-5)
    • Enemies - The Last Dalek - Meet the Dalek who was far from the last of its kind (DL11)
    • The Doctor - Fire and Ice - The Tenth Doctor and Donna start their travels together (Part 51)
    • Alien Worlds - Malcassairo - Your ultimate guide to the planet at the end of the universe (MA1)
    • Episode Guide - Survival - The Seventh Doctor and the Master fight like animals (DOC 7.12)
    • Behind the Scenes - Ace's High - An exclusive interview with Sophie Aldred, who brought Ace to life (Part 51)

    Issue 52 (29/12/2010)

    The DVD

    The Deadly Assassin - The Doctor returns to Gallifrey, where an assassination leads to an iconic showdown!

    The Magazine

    Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

    • Episode Guide - The Deadly Assassin - The Doctor is accused of murder on his home planet (DOC 4.14)
    • Enemies - Luke Rattigan - Find out about the boy genius who wasn't really that smart (LR1)
    • Who on Earth - Alien Gods - Discover how creatures from other worlds influenced early Earth (Part 2)
    • Allies - Gwen Cooper - Meet one of Captain Jack's colleagues at Torchwood (GC1)
    • Technology - Cybermats - Look beneath the metal skin of these Cyber-bugs (CY3)
    • The Doctor - Noble Sacrifices - Find out how Jenny and River Song gave their lives for the Doctor (Part 52)
    • Behind the Scenes - Challenge Anneke - We talm to Anneke Wills, who played swinging sixties companion Polly (Part 52)
    • Alien Worlds - Gallifrey - Visit the planet that the Time Lords call home (GA1)
    • Enemies - Autons - Read all about the Nestene Consciousness' plastic minions (AU1)

    Issue 53 (12/01/2011)

    The DVD

    The Time Warrior - The Third Doctor and a stowaway Sarah Jane join forces to battle a Sontaran in the Middle Ages

    The Magazine

    Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

    • Allies - Winston Churchill - Meet the British Prime Minister who thought the Daleks were on his side (WC1)
    • Alien Worlds - Androzani Minor - Visit the planet that ended the Fifth Doctor's life (AM1)
    • The Doctor - Reality Destroyed - The Doctor loses another companion as Donna leaves the TARDIS (Part 53)
    • Enemies - Irongron - Face the medieval man who worked with a Sontaran (IR1)
    • Flashback - Pest Control - See the Third Doctor face some giant mutant maggots (DR3-5)
    • Who on Earth - Meddlers in Time - Find out how Earth has been influenced by alien intervention (Part 53)
    • Behind the Scenes - Pretty Polly - Part two of our interview with ex-companion Anneke Wills (TC1)
    • Episode Guide - The Time Warrior - The Doctor makes a new friend and meet a new enemy (DOC 3.20)
    • Technology - Cyber Ship - Step into the Cyber-shuttle that landed on Earth (CY4)

    Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

    Sunday, February 1, 2015

    Death Count - The Claws of Axos

    Hello readers! In this post I will be counting up the deaths in the Third Doctor story, The Claws of Axos.

    About this Story

    TitleThe Claws of Axos
    No. of Episodes4
    Season No.
    Serial No.
    Season 8
    Serial 3
    Broadcast Dates13th Mar -
    3rd Apr 1971
    Run-Time97' 22"
    DoctorThird Doctor
    CompanionJo Grant
    The Doctor has to fight Axos and the Master


    When a UFO lands near England's largest nuclear power station, the Doctor and UNIT investigate. They discover that Axos needs time to refuel before it takes off again and Axos gives them Axonite in return for letting it stay. However, when the Axonite turns out to be bad and the Master shows up, the Doctor has his hands full to put a stop to the mayhem.

    The Death Count

    Episode One

    CharacterTime of DeathDescription
    Tramp12' 27"Absorbed by Axos
    The Master is held captive by Axos

    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    4.19 (White)

    Episode Two

    CharacterTime of DeathDescription
    Unnamed UNIT Soldier14' 50"Killed by the Master with a laser gun
    Duplicate Bill Filer18' 03"Killed by light accelerator
    Professor Winser22' 33"Absorbed by Axos after touching Axonite in light accelerator
    The Master moves in for the kill

    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    12.49 (Mint)

    Episode Three

    CharacterTime of DeathDescription
    Unnamed UNIT Soldier15' 07"Blown up by Axos
    Unnamed UNIT Soldier15' 29"Killed by Axos with tentacle
    Unnamed UNIT Soldier15' 29"Killed by Axos with tentacle
    Axos goes on a rampage through
    the nuclear facility

    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    12.41 (Mint)

    Episode Four

    CharacterTime of DeathDescription
    Sir George Hardiman5' 09"Killed by power feedback in Light Accelerator
    Unnamed UNIT Soldier18' 46"Thrown over railing by Axos
    Unnamed UNIT Soldier18' 49"Killed by Axos with tentacle

    Axos invades the TARDIS before the
    Doctor can put it in a time loop

    A part of Axos is blown up by Sergeant Benton at 13' 00", however, as Axos is not killed, it doesn't count towards the death count.

    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    11.84 (Mint)


    Death Toll:


    Death Rating:

    10.27 (Mint)

    Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!