Sunday, November 30, 2014

Quick Update - 30/11/14

Hello readers! Today, instead of a regular post, I'd like to bring to your attention some changes that have happened on this blog recently. I have made these changes and additions in the hope that I have made my blog easier to navigate and access older posts which you may want to re-read. I hope you adapt well to these changes!


You may have noticed this one already, but a few weeks ago I changed the Url of this blog. It is now known as However, due to this change a few links changed and as I use templates for most of my posts and I forgot to update the templates, I kept pasting the old url. This meant there were some broken links, such as the links to the Death Count table. However, these have now all been fixed and should be functioning as intended.

Series Designation

I have decided to designate certain series as regular or recurring series. Details of this can be found on the About This Blog page. Regular series will be posted more often than recurring series, with New Episode Reactions only being posted after new episodes are released.

Contents Pages

As you have probably seen, most of my posts belong to a particular series. Now, I have pages listing all the posts from a particular series meaning you can now access all older posts without trawling through pages of other posts. These pages can be found in the tabs just below the header image or can be accessed using the links at the bottom of all posts from each series.

Death Count Table and Contents Page

The same old Death Count table is still there along with its superlatives, but a new addition to this page is the massive list underneath it. There, as I post more Death Counts, I will add the links to the list meaning all the posts are in one place and easy to find!

Click here or on the "Death Count Table and Contents" tab beneath the header image.

Doctor Who DVD Files Contents and Issue List

On this new page, I have compiled a list of links to each part in the series, as well as providing a list of all the issues of the partwork magazine I have covered so far.

Click here or on the "DWDVDF Contents and Issue List" tab beneath the header image.

New Episode Reaction Contents Page

Find a list of all my reactions so far on this page, and keep your eyes peeled for my reaction to the Christmas episode, hopefully to be published on Boxing Day!

Click here or click on the "Reaction Contents" tab beneath the header image.

Recurring Series Contents

For a list of all the posts in the recurring series, go to this page and then follow the links to the corresponding page for each series. Also on this page, find links to those posts with don't belong to any series (like this one).

Click here or on the "Recurring Series Contents" tab beneath the header image.

About This Blog

I have made some minor edits to this page, including the series designations, as well as including a quick summary of what each series intends to do. Also, some news about upcoming and returning series!

Click here or on the "About This Blog" tab beneath the header image.

Happy Reading!

I hope you come to like these changes, and find them useful. After all, I have made them to make your lives easier. If you have any suggestions of possible improvements I could make to my blog, then I would love to read them in the comments below, and I am always open to new ideas for posts, or if it's an exceptionally good idea, I might make a series out of it! Anyway, thank you for reading, and I hope you continue coming back for more of my timey-wimey diary entries!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Death Count - The Time Warrior

Hello readers! In this post, I will be counting up the deaths in the first ever Sontaran story, The Time Warrior, which also happens to be the debut story for popular companion, Sarah Jane Smith. Enjoy!

About this Story

TitleThe Time Warrior
No. of Episodes4
Season No.
Serial No.
Season 11
Serial 1
Broadcast Dates15th Dec 1973 -
5th Jan 1974
Run-Time97' 03"
DoctorThird Doctor
CompanionSarah Jane Smith
The Doctor and his new companion, Sarah Jane Smith,
battle the Sontaran meddler, Linx


Researching the disappearance of scientists at a research facility, the Doctor travels back to the Middle Ages with a stowaway. When he arrives, he finds a Sontaran, Linx, messing with the development of technology on Earth, accelerating it by several centuries. Can the Doctor stop Linx before he gives Irongron the power to conquer the Earth?

The Death Count

Episode One

The Sontarans are revealed for the first time

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

0.00 (White)

Episode Two

The robot knight attacks Hal

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

0.00 (White)

Episode Three

Irongron plans his attack on Wessex Castle

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

0.00 (White)

Episode Four

CharacterTime of DeathDescription
Irongron21' 37"Killed by Linx
Linx22' 38"Shot in probic vent by Hal with an arrow
Hal aims for Linx's probic vent

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

7.99 (White)


Death Toll:


Death Rating:

2.06 (White)

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Doctor Who DVD Files - Part Six: Issues 29-33


Hello readers, and welcome to the sixth part of this blog series! From this point, the series moved to releasing unordered Classical stories. The issues covered in these parts include Daleks, Davros, Cybermen and a special Multi-Doctor story for the 10th Anniversary in 1973. Enjoy!

Issue 29 (10/02/2010)


Remembrance of the Daleks - The Doctor is caught up in the Dalek civil war, but can he stop either side gaining the Hand of Omega?

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Enemies - Max Capricorn - Take a look at the fiendish mastermind behind the Titanic disaster (MX1)
  • Allies - Professor Yana - Read about the Master's human alter ego who was good (YN1)
  • Behind the Scenes - Andrew Cartmel Interview - The script editor of the Seventh Doctor's adventures opens up (Part 29)
  • The Doctor - A New Era - The Doctor is reborn once more, this time a younger man (Part 29)
  • Flashback - Spearhead - Witness a bizarre confrontation between battling alien insects (DR1-3)
  • Allies - Intrusion Counter-Measures Group - Meet the people who were the forerunners of UNIT (IG1)
  • Enemies - Abzorbaloff - Read about the big, green monster from Clom (AB1)
  • Episode Guide - Remembrance of the Daleks - The Seventh Doctor takes on two Dalek armies at once (DOC 7.5)
  • Technology - Imperial Dalek Shuttle - Step inside the ship that landed in London in the 1960s (DL2)

Issue 30 (24/02/2010)


The Three Doctors - The Doctor teams up with himself (twice) to save the universe from Omega.

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - The Three Doctors - Find out what happens when you break the First Law of Time (DOC 3.15)
  • Enemies - Futurekind - Read about the toothy terrors from the end of the universe (FK1)
  • The Doctor - Shock Return - Companions aren't immortal, as Adric finds out (Part 30)
  • Allies - Jo Grant - Meet the Third Doctor's unscientific assistant (Part 30)
  • Enemies - The Empty Child - Keep your distance from the zombie who wanted his mummy (EC1)
  • Allies - Draconians - Not all aliens the Doctor meets are bad (DR1)
  • Enemies - The Wire - Are you sitting comfortably? Then let her begin (WR1)
  • Behind the Scenes - Companion Piece - An exclusive interview with Katy Manning who played Jo Grant (Part 30)
  • Technology - Sycorax Ship - Step inside the spaceship that truly rocks (SY1)

Issue 31 (10/03/2010)


Genesis of the Daleks - The Doctor learns of the Daleks' creation, but can he stop it?

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Technology - Sonic Screwdriver - The early days of the handiest piece of Time Lord tech (SC4)
  • Enemies - Empress of the Racnoss - This ancient monster planned the feed humanity to her offspring (RC1)
  • The Doctor - Friends and Foes - The Fifth Doctor meets old friends and faces deadly enemies (Part 31)
  • Allies - Kamelion - This shape-changing robot had a strange life on board the TARDIS (KA1)
  • Flashback - Big Top Terror - The Seventh Doctor and Ace face sinister clowns (DR7-2)
  • Allies - Reinette - She knew the Doctor all he rlife. He knew her for just one day (RN1)
  • Enemies - The Black Guardian - Meet possibly the most dangerous being in existence (BG1)
  • Episode Guide - Genesis of the Daleks - The Fourth Doctor is on a mission for the Time Lords (DOC 4.4)
  • Behind the Scenes - Re-Imagining the Daleks - An exclusive interview with Robert Shearman, writer of Dalek (Part 31)

Issue 32 (24/03/2010)


Earthshock - When Cybermen hijack a space freighter, life on Earth is at stake!

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - Earthshock - The Doctor faces Cybermen and the death of a companion (DOC 5.6)
  • Enemies - Clockwork Robots - Find out exactly what makes these androids tick (CR1)
  • The Doctor - Friends Reunited - The Fifth Doctor must team up with his former selves (Part 32)
  • Allies - Queen Victoria - The monarch who was saved from a werewolf's jaws by the Doctor (QV1)
  • Behind the Scenes - The Other Doctors - More actors have played the Doctor then you might think (Part 32)
  • Allies - Adric - Read about the companion who lost his life to save the world (AD1)
  • Enemies - Kandyman - This villain with a sweet tooth terrorised the Seventh Doctor (KA1)
  • Technology - Space Freighter - Step inside the craft that housed thousands of Cybermen (SF1)
  • The Doctor - Seventh Doctor - Meet the eccentric yet uncompromising incarnation of the Doctor (EP 4.7)

Issue 33 (07/04/2010)


Pyramids of Mars - The Doctor and Sarah Jane face Mummies and a god-like being.

The Magazine

Here is a list of the pages featured in the magazine of this issue. Listed is the section it belongs to, the page title, a quick description of the page and its sorting code.

  • Episode Guide - Pyramids of Mars - The Fourth Doctor faces a being the wants to destroy all life (DOC 4.8)
  • Allies - Tim Latimer - How a 20th Century schoolboy helped defeat the Family of Blood (TL1)
  • The Doctor - Changing Faces - Not everyone's happy about the new face in the TARDIS (Part 33)
  • Allies - Barbara Wright - One of the Doctor's first companions, and one of the bravest (BW1)
  • Flashback - Power Point - Davros turns the tables on the assassin hired to kill him (DR6-2)
  • Enemies - Mr Magpie - There was only one escape for the man trapped by the Wire (MA1)
  • Behind the Scenes - Writing the Past - The Fires of Pompeii writer James Moran feels the heat (Part 33)
  • Technology - Gadget - A closer look at the robot from the ill-fated Bowie Base One (GD1)
  • Enemies - Sibylline Sisterhood - Discover the women only cult betrayed by the fiery Pyrovile (SB1)

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Character Profile - Romana: Fact File

Fact File

SpeciesTime Lord
Place of OriginGallifrey
Associated DoctorsFourth Doctor
First AppearanceThe Ribos Operation
Portrayed ByMary Tamm
Lalla Ward


(NC) denotes a Non-Companion appearance

The Ribos Operation
The Pirate Planet
Stones of Blood
The Androids of Tara
The Power of Kroll
The Armageddon Factor
Destiny of the Daleks
City of Death
The Creature from the Pit
Nightmare of Eden
The Horns of Nimon
The Leisure Hive
Full Circle
State of Decay
Warrior's Gate
The Five Doctors

Mary Tamm played Romana's first incarnation
Lalla Ward played Romana's second incarnation


Romana I with K-9
Romana arrives in the TARDIS upon the instruction of the White Guardian in order to help the Doctor assemble the six segments of the Key to Time. Firstly, they arrive on the planet Ribos, followed by a trip to Zanak, where another planet turned out to be the second segment, and a trip to Earth, where Romana fought carnivorous stones for the third segment.

The search for the fourth segment took Romana to the planet Tara, where android doubles caused trouble. Romana is almost sacrificed to Kroll in the battle for the fifth segment on the planet Delta III. The final segment was found of the planet Atrios. Here, it was disguised as an actual person. Once the Key to Time was assembled, it was handed over to the White Guardian, but Romana continued travelling with the Doctor against the wishes of the Time Lords.

Romana is captured by Daleks
Now on the run, Romana changed her appearance, regenerating to her second incarnation. Romana was then caught up in the Dalek-Movellan war on the planet Skaro, before taking a trip to Paris in 1979, where Romana and the Doctor encountered Scaroth. On the planet Chloris, Romana came face to face with the creature from the pit.

Romana helped out when the collision of two spaceships uncovered a drug-smuggling plot involving the Mandrels. She also helped to put a stop to the evil Nimon, who was posing as a god to destroy worlds. At some point, the Doctor took Romana to Cambridge, and while there, were taken by a time scoop to the Death Zone on Gallifrey. However, they were caught in a time eddy and never arrived.

Romana and K-9 on Brighton Beach
In search of a holiday, the Doctor takes Romana to the leisure hive on the planet Argolis. On the planet Tigella, Romana claimed the TARDIS as her own to buy her life, before tricking her captives and rescuing the Doctor from Meglos.

The Time Lords once again asked for Romana's return, but before she could go back to Gallifrey, the TARDIS became trapped in E-Space, another smaller universe. Here, Romana visited Alzarius, meeting new companion Adric, and had a run in with some vampires. However, at the gate between E-Space and her home universe, Romana opted to stay behind, in order to help the enslaved Tharils free themselves.


Romana emulates her own version of
the Doctor's clothing
Romana shares many personality traits with the Doctor, which in her second incarnation, is seen through Romana's dress sense, wearing her own version of the Doctor's clothes.

Romana is exceptionally clever, often reaching the correct conclusion before the Doctor, due to her straight-forward attitude, especially during her first incarnation. This straight-forward attitude in her first incarnation often led to Romana being annoyed by the Doctor's eccentric attitudes.

Romana knew how to fix K-9
However, in her second incarnation, Romana became much more like the Doctor in the sense that she became more eccentric herself, often thinking up and going along with silly plans to fool the enemy.

Underneath the bubbly persona, however, there was a serious side to Romana. Like the Doctor, she would use violence and, only if absolutely necessary, she would be capable of killing.

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Death Count - The Mind Robber

Hello readers! In this edition of the Death Count series, I will be counting up the deaths in the Second Doctor story The Mind Robber.

About this Story

TitleThe Mind Robber
No. of Episodes5
Season No.
Serial No.
Season 6
Serial 2
Broadcast Dates14th Sep -
12th Oct 1968
Run-Time99' 38"
DoctorSecond Doctor
CompanionJamie McCrimmon
Zoe Heriot
The robots sent to capture the Doctor and
his companions, Jamie and Zoe


Another TARDIS malfunction sends the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe out of reality and into a world of fiction. However, when the powers behind the world set themselves against the travellers, they come face to face with many mythical terrors. Will they be able to escape back to reality, or will they become fiction?

The Death Count

Episode One

The TARDIS appears to break up

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

0.00 (White)

Episode Two

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

0.00 (White)

Episode Three

The Doctor and Zoe face Medusa

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

0.00 (White)

Episode Four

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

0.00 (White)

Episode Five

CharacterTime of DeathDescription
Toy Soldier Robot10' 56"Shot by Karkus
Toy Soldier Robot11' 01"Shot by Karkus
Master Brain16' 33"Destroyed by White Robots

Note: The destruction of the Master Brain destroyed the robots. However, it is unknown how many of these robots were destroyed

The Doctor is captured by the Master Brain

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

16.65 (Mint)


Death Toll:


Death Rating:

3.01 (White)

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

New Episode Reaction - Death in Heaven *SPOILERS*

Hello readers. After last week's gripping reveal, did Death in Heaven soar to the heavens or flop to an early grave? Find out below as I react to the final episode of series 8!

About this Story

TitleDeath in Heaven
No. of Episodes1
Series No.
Episode No.
Series 8
Episode 12
Broadcast Dates8th Nov 2014
Overnight Ratings (UK)5.45 million
DoctorTwelfth Doctor
CompanionClara Oswald

UNIT are on hand to help the Doctor fight Cybermen

The Reaction


  • Psychotic Missy - She was ruthless! It was brilliant! To quote myself, "She's such a psycho! I love it!" I never thought it would be possible, but she's clearly even more unhinged than John Simm's Master. As much as I love Osgood and hate the decision to kill her off, I equally loved it. It makes me a bad fan, I know, but #RIPOsgood and I hope that Ingrid Oliver gets a Timey Wimey return, perhaps as Jenna's replacement... Though nothings' been definitely announced about that yet...
  • The Brigadier - I have no idea what possessed Moffat to turn the Brigadier into a Cybermen, but whatever it was, it was brilliant. He finally got his salute and he got to kill the Master! The only thing that cheapens it a bit, is that the Master will probably return at some point in the future while the Brigadier's still Cyberdust in the atmosphere.
  • Humour and References - For a dark episode, it had the right balance of humour for me. Particular highlights were Missy singing her own version of "Hey Mickey" and Kate's reference to The Invasion with the battered Cyberman head.
  • Excellent Acting - Everyone is on top form! Capaldi worked well with everyone, particularly Gomez. Gomez and Oliver were also brilliant in Osgood's death scene. Coleman and Anderson worked excellently together, delivering an emotional performance, while Redgrave worked particularly well with Capaldi. One little nitpick: I'd have liked to have seen more of Chris Addison.
  • Outstanding Effects - Special effects of the flying Cybermen and the scenes of Boat One's destruction were brilliantly done, and the CyberDanny make up and effects were actually quite gruesome. Brilliant job!

Low Points

  • Deception - I know secrets and lies have been a pretty major theme in this series, but towards the end of the episode I was getting really confused and couldn't keep track of what was the truth and what were lies.

Quote of the Week

The Doctor: "That’s your answer for everything isn’t it? Vote for an idiot."
Kate Stewart: "If you say so Mr President."

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Finale Friday Special - Top Five: New Series Finales

Tomorrow is part two of the two-part series finale, so I thought that for this week's Finale Friday Special, I would count down my top five series finales of the New Series so far. But first a fun fact about series finales: based on the records, there is over a 70% chance that Daleks will appear in a series finale in the new series. Will they make an appearance tomorrow night? I guess we'll have to wait and see...

5. The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords (Series 3)

The Master and the Doctor face each other
once again
In the episode preceding this two-part series finale, the Master made a shock return, and he preceded to steal the Doctor's TARDIS and leave him stranded at the end of the Universe. This means that the previous episode's cliffhanger meant the first part of the finale had already been partly established, meaning that less time was wasted upon establishing the situation.

The return of the Master was done well by John Simm, who had a great on-screen chemistry with David Tennant. With much of this story taking place on board the SS Valiant, some parts could get a bit samey, but overall, I think the story was done well, with the effect of another Time Lord being explored greatly. However, on the emotions, this one's a bit easy-going compared to some of the finales.

4. The Name of the Doctor (Series 7)

The Doctor rescues Clara from his time stream
This episode is famous for it's cliffhanger which set up the 50th anniversary episode. The cliffhanger saw the appearance of John Hurt, with a caption introducing him as the Doctor. This led fans to create many wild theories as to how this Doctor could fit in to the Whoniverse.

However, there were other aspects to the episode. The main enemy of the episode was the Great Intelligence, who lures the Doctor to Trenzalore in order to gain access to the Doctor's tomb. There, the GI enters the Doctor's time stream and begins to destroy his past, however, plucky Clara jumps in at the last minute and stops the GI.

This episode is where we start to see more dimensions to Clara, and it has a pretty dark tone compared to some of the more recent episodes. For example, Jenny is killed while in the psychic conference, before being revived again. The Great Intelligence, appearing for the third time in 6 months, is still a good villain, with sneaky sidekicks in the shape of Whisper Men.

3. Army of Ghosts/Doomsday (Series 2)

Rose begins to fall into the Void
The ending to this action-packed finale had been foreshadowed for quite a few episodes now, but the opening scenes have you hooked from the start: Rose introduces the story as how she died. These episodes bring together and tie up the Torchwood story arc of series 2 quite nicely, leaving very few loose ends and it also paves the way for the Torchwood spin-off series.

However, these episodes are probably most notable for the epic battle between the Daleks and the Cybermen, which Torchwood have accidentally caused. This is done brilliantly, as it doesn't particularly show which race wins, as both are sucked into the Void, leaving both races as formidable as they were before. Another pretty massive moment is the departure of Rose, who makes the choice to abandon her family to continue travelling with the Doctor, before she has to be rescued moments before falling into the Void, and becoming trapped on the parallel Earth.

2. Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways (Series 1)

The Doctor, Rose and Jack find themselves
on board a Dalek ship
These episodes were fantastic.

The Daleks are back from the Time War and they've built themselves a large army from human tissue. They've been manipulating humankind for centuries and the Doctor could have stopped them, but instead, he unwittingly helped them. Plucking unlucky contestants from the Game Station, the Daleks have been transporting them to their ships where they're converted to Daleks. This give a real sense of threat as the Daleks have clearly been planning and have amassed a large army, rather than just throw together a last minute plan, as seems to be the recent trend.

Also in this finale is the Ninth Doctor's regeneration, which quite frankly, came way too soon. It would have been great for him to stay, as his dynamic with Rose was better then Ten's - judge me. On top of this, Rose uses her initiative (I know, shocking!) and clambers her way back to the Game Station, and turns the Daleks into dust. Brilliant ending to the first series of the revived series!

1. The Stolen Earth/Journey's End (Series 4)

Jack is exterminated on board the Dalek crucible
This finale brought the previous four years of Doctor Who together and it was fabulous. What I like about this is that for much of the first part of the finale, the Doctor is unable to help Earth, which has been moved across the universe, meaning that his past companions and allies have to work together to bring him to Earth's new location. This also sees the death of Harriet Jones, which was a very bold move, which I quite liked, despite being a Harriet Jones fan.

Once again, the Daleks have a plan and have amassed an army, this time built from Davros' tissue, but this time they've also built a bomb which can end the entire universe. This shows that they really are a force to be reckoned with. Also, Rose is sent back to parallel Earth and Donna needs the have her memory wiped, ramping up the emotional factor of the episode, leaving a brilliant story which offers all kinds of brilliance!

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Death Count - Death to the Daleks

Hello readers! In this edition of the Death Count series, I will be counting up the deaths in the Third Doctor story Death to the Daleks.

About this Story

TitleDeath to the Daleks
No. of Episodes4
Season No.
Serial No.
Season 11
Serial 3
Broadcast Dates23rd Feb -
16th Mar 1974
Run-Time98' 06"
DoctorThird Doctor
CompanionSarah Jane Smith
The Doctor and the Humans are forced to
work with the Daleks


When the TARDIS mysteriously loses power, the Doctor and Sarah Jane are stranded on the planet Exxilon. They're soon face to face with the Doctor's deadliest enemies, the Daleks. However, in a strange turn of events, the Doctor has to work with the Daleks to restore their power. But can they stay good for long?

The Death Count

Episode One

CharacterTime of DeathDescription
Unnamed Marine Corp0' 52"Shot with arrow by an Exxilon
The TARDIS is stranded on Exxilon

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

4.07 (White)

Episode Two

CharacterTime of DeathDescription
Captain Railton5' 37"Shot with arrow by an Exxilon
Exxilon7' 00"Shot with arrow by Galloway
Dalek7' 51"Destroyed by gang of Exxilons
Exxilon13' 54"Exterminated! (Projectile weaponry)
Exxilon13' 54"Exterminated! (Projectile weaponry)
Commander Stewart15' 42"Died from wounds after Exxilon attack
Exxilon16' 27"Exterminated! (Projectile weaponry)
Exxilon16' 40"Exterminated! (Projectile weaponry)
A Dalek is attacked by Exxilons

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

32.72 (Yellow)

Episode Three

CharacterTime of DeathDescription
Dalek4' 19"Killed by root creature
Exxilon12' 43"Killed by root creature
Dalek13' 07"Damaged by root creature, fell in lake
The root creature attacks

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

12.27 (Mint)

Episode Four

CharacterTime of DeathDescription
Exxilon12' 38"Turned to dust
Dalek15' 50"Self-destructs
Lieutenant Galloway22' 39"Triggers explosion to destroy Dalek ship

The city defends itself
against the Doctor

Death Toll:


Death Rating:

12.18 (Mint)


Death Toll:


Death Rating:

15.29 (Mint)

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

New Episode Reaction - Dark Water *SPOILERS*

Hello readers. Was Dark Water as dull as dishwater, or was it sparkling spring water? I react to the first part of the finale below!

About this Story

TitleDark Water
No. of Episodes1
Series No.
Episode No.
Series 8
Episode 11
Broadcast Dates1st Nov 2014
Overnight Ratings (UK)5.27 million
DoctorTwelfth Doctor
CompanionClara Oswald

Clara comes face to face with a Cyberman

The Reaction


  • Volcano Scene - A very intense, gripping few minutes of television. I was pretty much on the edge of my seat for the whole scene. And Danny's shock death also caught my attention before the titles even began, and then I was completely hooked on the rest of the episode. Also, loved the reference to Gridlock with the mood patches.
  • Concept of the Cybermen - Brilliantly creepy concept of Cybermen here! So when you die, you become a Cyberman. One reason I love this is because it was one of my theories, but also shows great power and intelligence to convert the dead, who outnumber the living, into Cybermen in order to take over the world. Also, very reminiscent of a Dalek plot in Revelation of the Daleks.
  • Nethersphere Design - Brilliant design of the Nethersphere. It was like an underground metropolis, and it is on the inside of a globe. I love it! Just a brilliant concept and it reminds me of the GoT title sequence...
  • Humour - It is as if Steven Moffat predicted fan reactions and poked fun at them. Fans were skeptical about the idea of iPads in Heaven, which is echoed by Danny, and Seb says "We do have Steve Jobs." Also, the Doctor didn't understand the swimming pool joke. And his psychic paper was full of swear words.

Low Points (Nitpick Section)

  • Role of the Cybermen - They didn't do much, did they? Though they're more for next week, I guess. This week was more about Missy's identity.
  • The Big Reveal - It's all too obvious. I wanted a more cryptic resolution, which is why I didn't go into much detail on my Master theory on Friday. Also, The Master is meant to be trapped in the pocket universe, so how did (s)he get out?
  • St. Pauls Cathedral - Like how did that happen?

Quote of the Week

Clara: "Speak for me again, I’ll detach something from you."

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with your thoughts or suggestions! They will be greatly appreciated!